Sunrise Wind Supply Forums

What is the Sunrise Wind Supplier Forum?

These forums were a chance for New York companies to meet awarded suppliers, and to learn about opportunities to become a supplier to the Sunrise Wind Project.

At the Supply Forums, representatives from Sunrise Wind and awarded tier-1 vendors provided descriptions of scopes of work, requirements and project schedules related to tendering and execution. New York businesses are encouraged to review the details for scopes to determine if they can contribute to the project.

Watch recaps from our Supply Forums:

November 2022 Supply Forum in Nassau County
June 2022 Supply Forum in Albany

Is this relevant for your company?

Interested New York businesses are encouraged to go and find more details on the supply scopes This may help you to determine your company viability and intent to contribute to the project.

Additional options for exposure to Sunrise Wind project opportunities are listed on the following sites:
Ørsted supplier portal
Eversource supplier portal
NYSERDA Offshore Wind Supply Chain Database
New York ESD Directory of MWBE Certified Firms