Woman with a child smiling

Benefits to the community

Sunrise Wind: Powering New York's Economic Future

New York is building a wide-reaching clean energy economy with offshore wind at its center.

With a statewide supply chain and over $700 million in community investments, we're transforming New York's economic and energy future and creating good paying, accessible union jobs from Long Island to New York City to the Capital Region and beyond.

We launched New York’s offshore wind industry with South Fork Wind. Now, we’re taking it to the next level with Sunrise Wind and ensuring the continued growth of this vital sector.

Protecting New York's environment


We take seriously our responsibility to be good stewards of our environment, and that’s why we are committed to protecting New York’s marine ecosystems now and for decades to come.

Sunrise Wind will provide 100% renewable energy to nearly 600,000 homes, displacing more than one million metric tons of carbon pollution each year.

Additionally, we have conducted extensive environmental surveys up and down the East Coast – more than any other developer. All ecological aspects of the wind farm have been extensively investigated and we are relying on that data to minimize the ecological impact of the wind farm.

Empowering people

By investing in offshore wind for New York, we’re investing in New Yorkers. We’re creating jobs for skilled union workers across the state – along with training opportunities for underrepresented groups, to grow the clean energy workforce of tomorrow. We put a special focus on opportunities for women, people of color, and people from disadvantaged backgrounds.

How are we investing in people?

  • Sunrise Wind is covered by Ørsted’s nationwide agreement with North America’s Building Trades Unions to use union-affiliated labor.

  • The project will be built under Project Labor Agreements, which ensures that all workers are paid prevailing wages – maximizing local benefits to New Yorkers.

  • We’re helping upgrade the Port of Coeymans to enable offshore wind component construction and bring union career opportunities to upstate workers.
Worker with hard hat

community spotlight

Mary Linn Gil: Sparking change in NYC

Find out how union apprentice Mary Linn is working for a better future for herself and her family.

Building a local supply chain

Building New York’s offshore wind industry means more than just building offshore wind farms. It means building a whole supply chain – one that includes local suppliers in areas ranging from construction and manufacturing to transport and shipping and beyond.

How are we building a statewide supply chain?

  • We made a record $200 million offshore wind supply chain award to a Long Island-based contractor, which is creating more than 400 jobs for New York union workers in support of the project’s onshore construction in Brookhaven, in Suffolk County.


People with boat

Matt Laub: Leading by example

Find out how Matt is helping bring the benefits of renewable energy to his community on Long Island.

Forging partnerships

Sunrise Wind is built on partnership. By working with unions, schools, community groups, and local and statewide leaders, we are ensuring that this landmark offshore wind project is by New Yorkers, for New Yorkers.

Who are we partnering with?

  • We’re creating a National Offshore Wind Training Center in Suffolk County, a new model of partnership between industry, labor and academia, in collaboration with the Long Island Federation of Labor, the Nassau & Suffolk Building and Construction, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Utility Workers Union of America, and Suffolk County Community College.

  • We’ve committed part of our $1 million Upper Hudson Workforce Development Fund to the Multi-Craft Apprenticeship Preparation Program (M.A.P.P.), to recruit and train low-income and workers of color for unionized construction apprenticeships, providing a path to family-sustaining careers while bringing more diversity to the building trades.

  • We’ve partnered with Stony Brook University, contributing $5 million to promote innovative energy research, education, and technology deployment.
Employee working

partnership spotlight

M.A.P.P.: the route to family-sustaining wages

Find out how the apprenticeship preparation program is fostering the next generation of union-affiliated clean energy workers.

Working hand-in-hand with mariners

The ocean is a shared resource, and we take great care to ensure that offshore wind and wildlife coexist and thrive.

community dialogue

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We would love to hear from you if you have questions to our project or what we do in your community.

Wind Turbine

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Get in touch with us

Are you an offshore wind supplier looking to work with Ørsted? Are you looking for more information about the Sunrise Wind? Our experts are available to answer your questions.

Sunrise Wind in the news

Check out the latest local news and updates from the project, and keep up-to-date on construction progress, our local investments, and partnerships.  
Employee smiling

Come work with Ørsted 

Are you an offshore wind supplier looking to work on Sunrise Wind? We work with a wide variety of local businesses helping expand New York's offshore wind supply chain. From construction and installation to maintenance and operations, we are always looking for new suppliers.